Purpose in the Workforce


How do you move from paycheck takers and role fillers to building a team of contributors?  Teammates and colleagues who are just as driven as you, the owner or leader, in the purpose and focus of the organization.

This is a point of frustration we see with many clients and it sounds something like this:

Isn’t it enough that I’ve built an organization and am providing employment?

Do I have to offer unlimited PTO, a ping pong table and beer in the fridge to get employees engaged?

Why don’t my employees think beyond the daily tasks or the current project?

To create that engaged workforce of contributors we have to get at what matters most to any of us and that is purpose.  Purpose in the workforce is two-fold:

  1. Why does the company exist and who are we here to serve?
  2. How does my role connect to that purpose?

As business owners and leaders we have to help our employees see the connection between their day-to-day activities and the greater role they play in fulfilling the company’s purpose.  If we can’t connect the dots for our employees then we simply have paycheck takers and role-fillers, doing their assigned tasks and nothing more.  As leaders we miss out on the talents and abilities already present in our team.

And… Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn Performance Accelerating Strategies!

Culture, performance and the success of your business are determined when your team shows up to the table. Each interaction and moment they are involved with each other and customers, makes or breaks your business.

Join Barbara Stewart, Director of Leadership Development and Executive Coaching at Endeavor Management, as she presents Talent at the Table: Real World Strategies that Accelerate Performance

Key points covered:

  • Why what shows up at the table makes or breaks performance
  • Why clashes at the table matter and how to make them work for you
  • How to make magic happen at the table and make it stick

Sign up today; you do not want to miss this interactive, hands-on presentation! Take home tools that work in the real world to increase teamwork, collaboration and communication in your company.

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