White Space

Last week I wrote about creating space.  Let me tell you, I have quite a bit of it right now.

To visit my horse on the weekend is a 1 hour 40 minute drive, one way.  Occasionally, a friend will travel with me, but most times, it is just me and my thoughts and some vocalization practice with my iPod or satellite radio.

I generally start off the Saturday morning drive listening to something educational.  My coach has a series of audio recordings and by the time one has ended, I have arrived at the ranch.  Immediately it is immersion into the grooming, prepping and training for both Usache and me.

In recent weeks, the return trip has been very celebratory and stimulating.  My body is relishing having been so active and welcomes the air conditioning!  My mind is replaying and building on what we did, experienced and learned.  Some days I write down my learnings before I depart.  Other times I do so once I have returned home and have processed what I learned.

There is lots of white space here – 3 hours and 20 minutes each week.  Hmmm…doesn’t sound like so much considering there are about 112 hours that we are awake each week.  I can add about 3 hours per week from my walks around the neighborhood.   That is a little over 5% of my waking hours.

It is challenging for us to be in a reflective or quiet space.  Note that I fill some of my space with music and the lessons of my coach.  I, too, am addicted to busyness and being “productive” as many hours of the day as I can be.  Now that I have measured my white space, I wonder how productive I am actually being the remainder of the time.  What if I added white space in my day?  10 or 20 minutes here and there.  I’ll let you know how it goes and you can do the same!

Create space for our introductory call to Marketing that Works coming up on August 28.

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