Turn the Trick of Time into a Treat

Ninth Article in the Series:
Efficiency and Productivity

For this last message in the series on “Efficiency and Productivity,” I want to talk about time management. Why? Because the only mention of it came in the first article of this series, Making the Most of It.

You might have thought we would be delving into topics on managing your calendar, time blocking, e-mail, etc. Yet throughout this series, there has not been a single message on these or any other time management topics. The reason for that is that time management by itself as a strategy is useless, worthless and a waste of time. You can “time manage” all you want and you will still be frustrated by your inability to get everything done.

So what is the answer? The answer is to get very clear on what is important and meaningful to you in your business, personal, spiritual and well-being lives. When you can state, “It is important that I am home for dinner three nights per week because my family feeds me in ways nothing else can,” you will find that you accomplish just that. When you can state, “It is important that this new website is finished by November so that our clients have access to year-end statements and the client experience they expect,” you will accomplish just that.

The distractions of another conference or webinar to attend will fade. Are you missing out on some new and potentially helpful information? Possibly. Can you listen to the replay or request the information later if you need it? More than likely.

When scheduling the after-hours client meeting to accommodate the client’s schedule, you offer only those evenings that aren’t committed to the family dinner. “I couldn’t possibly do that” you think, “I must accommodate the client.” You are accommodating the client. You have two nights per week you are available to meet late.

How could I possibly suggest this? Until you can prioritize what is important and meaningful, you will continue to chase the myth of time management. Grasping and grabbing, you will only catch glimpses of what your life could be and you will continue to chew on the emptiness of dissatisfaction. Get clear and focused and get what you want for all aspects of your glorious life. Our next series will help you do just that!

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