Effective Networking 101: How to Break the Ice

Networking | Business Networking | How to Network

It’s not what you know. It’s who you know. – the networking principal, right? The truth is, you’ve got this. You’ve been networking all your life. Don’t believe me? You will once you read on… How to Network Effectively? It’s Easier Than You Think. How do you get to know someone? Think back to elementary school and what you did to make friends. Remember those days? Shy, perhaps awkward, most of us asked a version …

What is the difference between determination and persistence?

Persistence for success | Determination success in business

Determination – firmness of purpose; resoluteness. Persistence – firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. There is a difference here, yes? Subtle… and yet a difference. Determination and Persistence: Both Are Required for Success Determination is focus on the purpose. Persistence is the continuation of action around that purpose. Both are required for success. Determination brings the clarity of “I have decided,” while persistence describes the action …

Could Self-Imposed Limits Be Sabotaging Your Success?

success | achieve success | how to achieve success

Roger Bannister busted the 4-minute mile limit. Once he achieved that, the limit got busted over and over again. His record-breaking run gave the world of runners hope and belief that they could do it too – and they did, many times over. The moral of the story? We don’t know what we are capable of until we push our limits. And what about those limits? I know one thing: they’re often self-imposed. Here’s an …