What dam thing is holding you back?

A client and I were talking recently and this analogy came to mind as we brainstormed on moving the business forward. Remember when you were a kid and you went outside after it rained?  There were puddles everywhere!  As you explored, you discovered streams and creeks clogged with debris washed down by the rain.  Leaves, branches and occasionally trash hampered the run-off preventing the water from moving on.  Ever the curious kid, you pulled out …

Saying No and Letting Go

Last week’s message addressed actively saying “no” and how difficult it can be.  At times we also need to say “no” by letting things go. I am not sure if “letting things go” isn’t the more difficult of the two, and for a couple of reasons.  First, we often don’t realize we are carrying around things that were a “yes” a long time ago yet now need to be let go.  Second, the emotional ties …