Strategic Thinkers: Your Innovative Powerhouse

strategic thinkers

Strategic Thinkers add a dimension to the team that considers what could be.  Futuristic, in the now or considering past events, they analyze the inputs to inform decisions.  As careful considerers, they often need time to contemplate all the options.  You might recognize these contributors as the “smart” ones in the room.

The value of Strategic Thinkers in a team is obvious, however their talents may not always show in the brightest of light.  The sheer brain power can be intimidating as well as their facileness with the facts.  They may spend quite a bit of time alone in order to think through the options.  However, there are aspects to the Strategic Thinking theme that are quick moving and stimulated by group interaction.

Should the environment not provide the opportunity for think time, the Strategic Thinker may feel frustrated.  Make sure you emphasize and provide space for these talents so they may identify opportunities and consider risks, either of which may be overlooked without the Strategic Thinker.

Strategic Thinkers can appear action-oriented when combined with executing themes.  In fact, speed might be the word of the day with this contributor.  Able to sort through the options they create a path forward while the rest of the team catches up.

When combined with Influencer talents, the Strategic Thinker can paint a picture of the future so compelling that the team quickly and excitedly moves into action.  With Relationship Building skills, this Strategist knows just who to call on to fill a role or make things happen.  Because they have invested time with people, these resources are ready to act.

Culture and environment play a role in drawing out the best in each team member.  Do you understand and appreciate the natural talents your team members bring?  Discover their talents and build a well-oiled machine with an Accelus Team StrengthsFinder® Workshop.

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