The Significance of Going Beyond

strengths, beyond five

Working as a strengths coach I help leaders and teams understand what they do best and develop a game plan for driving performance.  We start at the top, working with the Top 5 talent themes from the CliftonStrengths® assessment for each individual.

Given the human tendency to focus on weaknesses, starting with the Top 5 ensures that the concept of doing what you do best is embraced and understood.  In most workshops a participant will comment or question about “becoming more well-rounded.”  Top tier performance is not about being well-rounded.  It is about being a star in certain areas and then identifying teammates and a support system to address those areas not so strong.

Once well-versed in the Top 5 talent themes, I encourage each individual, team and business to go beyond and unlock the full 34 Strength Themes list.  It is of even higher importance for small and mid-sized businesses, where individuals wear many hats.  It is important to know which hats fit!

I have known and worked with my full 34 for quite some time.  What is at the bottom of the list does not surprise me.  I frankly have no interest in improving in any of those areas as they do not serve me.  I do make sure that none of them get in my or anyone else’s way.

Knowing and understanding my strengths beyond the Top 5 has been an exciting and enlightening process.  In a recent learning program with Gallup®, we explored a theme in my Top 10, Significance™.  Eight minutes into the program, I had chill bumps on my arms as I listened to one of the participants describe the meaning of Significance for him.  There were 40 more minutes to go in this learning program and I couldn’t wait to learn more.  Wow!  This deeper understanding of Significance explained so many things, particularly yearnings I had and could not explain.  These yearnings reflect my Significance strength, number 10 on my list, and strong enough that I had already been acting on it.

As I listened that day, and replayed the learning program again and again, I learned that Significance, an often misunderstood term, was responsible for my need to find a bigger way to make an impact in my coaching and workshops.  When I attended a National Speakers Association meeting in May it is why I felt at home.   It is why I devoured the magazines and publications of this organization, signed up for the Speakers Academy and the first conference I could attend.  I have a message to share for the advantage of mankind and it is was Significance nudging me forward.

Until I heard this learning program on Significance I had been more confused than directed by the yearnings and desires I had for building my business.  It wasn’t about becoming an “ego-driven” business or driving revenue, it was Significance saying you have a message and it needs to be heard.

I wish for each of you to better understand who you are and what drives you.  Yes, we think we know ourselves yet some things are wired into us and we don’t always understand them.  If you haven’t already, discover your Top 5 strengths using the StrengthsFinder® assessment.  If you want to understand the “significance” of your strengths, contact me at or 713-705-3815.

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