Recommended Reading

5 Ways to Keep Your Team Motivated When Things Get Tough

huffingtonpost.comWe all go through rocky patches from time to time, whether we’re struggling to reach our sales targets or whether morale is at a low due to a high profile departure or rumors spreading over cigarette breaks and around the water cooler. The best leaders are the ones who know that occasional dips in motivation are irrelevant. Instead of trying to sweep the issue beneath the carpet, they do what they can to keep an eye on their team’s performance so they can step in and do something about it if their enthusiasm – and their performance – starts to dip.   read more at

If You Want Your Business to Win in the Long-Term, Don’t Take Shortcuts

entrepreneur.comIt takes an average of nine long years for a software-as-a-service company to go public. Whether that is your goal or not, it’s clear that building an exceptional company is a marathon and the journey should be optimized accordingly. This is why delaying gratification is one of the most important habits an entrepreneur can establish.  Startups are for the impatient, so conventional wisdom goes. read more at

What 7 Great Entrepreneurs Learned From Making Mistakes

Sara Blakely, for example, almost didn’t get Spanx started. “[She] didn’t vet the manufacturer helping me make our first product, footless pantyhouse,” she recalls in her essay appearing in Forbes’ special centennial issue. “They went out of business and gave me one week’s notice.” Sandy Weill, the great Wall Street conglomerator, still laments his mistake not to fully retire. He first stepped down as Citigroup CEO in 2003 but remained chairman for another three years.   read more at

How entrepreneurs can build their personal brand

When it comes to building a personal brand, the golden rule is to be authentic to who you truly are. Most people get caught up in trying to paint a picture of who they wish they were, instead of expressing what it is they know best. Aspiring influencers, especially, forget that what makes a personal brand, personal, is having audience members be able to relate to you, your experiences, and what it is you stand for. read more at


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