Recommended Reading

Learning never stops for leaders

multibriefs.comLeaders who want to be successful cannot remain complacent — they must continue to grow through learning. Learning should be a lifelong pursuit for anyone, but it’s especially crucial for leaders. The acquisition of knowledge is the best endorsement for showing others that it’s OK not to know everything….read more at

5 Ways Your Goal-Setting Is Holding You Back

entrepreneur.comThere’s nothing more disappointing than having goals that never see the light of day. You work tirelessly to improve yourself and harder still trying to grow your business. But somehow, despite your best efforts, your goals always seem to escape you.

Don’t worry — you’re not alone. Statistics show that only 8 percent of people accomplish things they commit to at the beginning of the year. When it comes to goal setting, failure isn’t the exception, it’s a prevailing feature of life….read more at

Digital Marketing Changes Quickly: Trends To Watch This Year

Digital marketing has taken the marketing industry by storm. While print marketing still holds power within the industry, it’s the digital marketing trends that are proving to hold precedence. …read more at

Three Reasons Why I Deleted Your Mass Email

I get it: You need a job, a charitable contribution, or funding for your brilliant startup idea. But your mass email asking me for help, feedback, introductions, or money is incredibly annoying and will earn you none of the above….read more at

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