Recommended Reading

37 Workplaces That Stand Out From the Rest

gallup.comWhat separates great workplace cultures from the rest? We’ve found that regardless of company size, location, culture or industry, the very best organizations all share one undeniable trait: They have an intense and intentional focus on engaging their employees. That focus means more than administering a survey once or twice a year… read more at

Creating a Great (and Legal) Internship Program

Businesses hire interns to share their field experience with newcomers, get entry-level and administrative tasks done, and help students get the real-world experience they need to be successful. Although these student employees often work in exchange for stipends or academic credit, employers need to be careful read more at


Five Must-Follow Rules To Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur

If you are thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, you are more than likely wondering what it truly takes. There’s no cookie-cutter answer that applies to everyone.  After failing multiple times and founding a few successful businesses along the way, I’ve come to a few conclusions. Here are five rules to follow if you want to be a successful entrepreneur…read more at

This meeting was a disaster

multibriefs.comScheduled to start at 5 and end at 8, the meeting began with 20 people making self-introductions. I had expected the group would combine their knowledge to reach consensus, identify next steps and adjourn with a favorable outcome. This meeting took on both: a condition characterized by lack of normal functioning of physical or mental processes a state of confusion With preparation, strategy, respect and good chairmanship the meeting should have been a success…read more at



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