Recommended Reading

5 Public Speaking Lessons From a Presentation Gone Wrong

alleywatch.comI’m the founder of a successful digital and creative agency with 15 employees. And even though I speak in front of large audiences on a regular basis, I’ve had my fair share of embarrassing moments.  One of these stands out in particular. I was invited to present Sarah Bird, CEO of Moz, at the Seattle Interactive Conference. Since I wasn’t the main speaker, I never would’ve imagined that day to be one of the most embarrassing moments in my life. read more at

The Secret to Hiring Great People

michaelhyatt.comLeaders frequently tell me they have a hard time recruiting great people to join their organizations. Recruiting great people is similar to any kind of sales process. The recruiting process is not just about filtering candidates—it’s also your sales pitch. read more at



Six Ways To Write Emails That Don’t Make People Silently Resent You,f_auto,q_60,fl_lossy/fc/3068741-poster-p-1-six-ways-to-write-emails-that-dont-make-people-silently-resent-you.jpgGiven that everyone has this natural “negativity bias” against email, it’s important to pay close attention to your phrasing. For the most part, we use email either to remind people about things they said they’d do, or to ask them to do something for us. In the absence of social cues, this is a delicate task. read more at

 The Best Way to Get More Results From Your Content

entrepreneur.comContent marketing has a problem: the content itself. Creating good content is expensive and time-consuming. It requires skill and subject expertise. It’s generally a pain in the … budget.  And bad content? It might be less expensive. And easier to create. But it’ll get you almost no results. Fortunately, there are several ways around this:  read more at


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