Recommended Reading

How to Memorably Introduce Another Speaker In other words, a memorable introduction is like a commercial: it should engage and persuade the audience to listen to the speaker. As Aristotle posited in his rhetorical theory of the Three Artistic Proofs, in order to persuade effectively, a speaker needs to go beyond just logical appeals (facts) and include appeals to both emotions and credibility. read more at

Seth’s Blog: The memories we rehearse are the ones we live with red light on the third block of your commute… What actually happened was this: After it (whatever that thing you remember) happened, you started telling yourself a story about that event. Lots of people have had similar experiences, but none of them are telling themselves quite the same story about it as you are. read more at


3 Key Revelations About Effective Teams – Michael Hyatt week my team met for strategic planning. We set aside several days so the leadership team could review our values, goals, and budget. We now have more than twenty full-time employees on our team, not to mention several key contractors. read more at


Here Are 5 Characteristics of Grit. How Many Do You Have? definition of grit is courage and resolve or strength of character. Grit helped me overcome two years in prison and losing a loved one, and it propels me forward with every step being an entrepreneur.  Experts identify five characteristics of grit. If you have them, you’ll be better equipped to handle the challenges life throws at you. People often underestimate just how courageous and resilient they can be. read more at


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