Recommended Readings

Companywide Communication: Key to Strengths Development | Gallup need to regularly remind employees of strengths concepts. This is the third article in a seven-part series. In working with hundreds of organizations, Gallup uncovered the characteristics common among companies that have accomplished the most with their strengths interventions. These companies often work toward creating a strengths-based culture using seven strategies. read more at


4 Pieces of Advice Every Entrepreneur Needs to Hear have so many questions about how to do it on a budget and what it takes to be successful. Here, Linster and Spence talk about how they got started, the challenges they’ve encountered through their journey and the advice they have for those just starting to pursue their dreams as business owners: 1. As a dietician, Linster always enjoyed helping people live better lives. read more at

How To Stay Productive, Even While You’re Waiting On Clients you’re forced to wait for customers and partners, it’s easy to become paralyzed when making decisions. After all, you don’t know precisely how they will react to a situation, so the temptation to simply postpone important decisions can be strong. Unfortunately, this decision paralysis is often incredibly damaging for two reasons. First, it causes your team to second guess all of their decisions, making it almost impossible for them to stay productive. read more at

Seth’s Blog: Beating yourself up rest of the time, when things are going well, it’s foolish to stop and engage in self-criticism. It makes more sense to encourage yourself, to bootstrap your way to even more of a ruckus. So, the moments left to beat yourself up = zero. read more at


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