Recommended Reading

Neuromarketing: The Science, Art and Opportunity –’m slowly becoming more and more intrigued by neuromarketing and the science of being able to read a consumer’s mind. Companies have learned how to exploit basic human behaviors, and use science to understand how consumers react to marketing campaigns, products and eye-deceiving designs. That’s why companies have no issue spending millions of dollars on such studies. read more at

Seth’s Blog: Looking for the trick

When you find a trick, a shortcut, a hack that gets you from here to there without a lot of sweat or risk, it’s really quite rewarding. So much so that many successful people are hooked on the trick, always looking for the next one. SEO, for example, had plenty of tricks as it evolved, ways in which a few worked to get rankings and links without deserving them. read more at

Why You’re Probably Using To-Do Lists Wrong |“List making is such a straightforward way to manage goals and tasks within the work place and at home,” Seal says, “Why not apply that same method that we are all so comfortable utilizing daily to pursuing self-respect, creativity, happiness, and any another other personal goal?”

“When exploring a concept or an idea in the form of a list, you are able to be more concise in making connections between various brainstorms and subjects,” Seal says. read more at

3 Forces That Shape Character – may be useful in attracting a following, but it is largely useless when it comes to achieving a long-term, positive impact on the people and organizations we lead. In helping people build their platforms, I frequently meet people whose public image is better developed than their personal character. This is why it is so important to give attention to developing our character. read more at


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