Pedal Power

How can you increase your confidence? Is there a book or course “How to Increase Confidence in 30 Days?” More than likely there is, yet I challenge you to set your own course for increasing confidence.
As a young person, and still to this day, I would love to have the ability to give the gift of confidence to people. Yet that is not possible. I cannot bestow on anyone that level of faith in their abilities. Recall that confidence translates to With Faith.
Instead confidence has to be the gift we give ourselves. How so you ask? By doing!
How did you learn to ride a bicycle? Did your parents give you a manual and send you to a course on “Perfecting Balance with your Bike”? You started with small steps, the tricycle first to learn to push through the pedals. Next may have been training wheels that let the bike tip just enough so that you learned to balance. Finally the big day arrived. Up on the bike, an adult holding the back of the seat while you pushed down on the pedals, you wobblingly made your way down the street, Mom or Dad running behind. Not yet confident in your abilities, you knew someone had your back…or so you thought. You glanced back to see that no longer was your balance supported, you were on your own!
Then there was the fall, the scraped knee, a few tears and with some ointment and a bandage you were back at it again. That fall helped you test balance boundaries and learn how to compensate. In no time you were whizzing down the street, jumping curbs and doing wheelies. “Look Mom! No hands!”
What a great example of how to increase confidence! We begin to move “with faith” through our lives as we experience, and that experience includes failure. With failure we re-calibrate, adjust and set out again pedaling our way along life’s journey. What can you do to move your life forward?
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