Look Inward First to Identify Your Ideal Client

Fifth Article in the Series:
Making Work Play

If you have been in business or in your career long enough, you’ve heard plenty about working only with Ideal Clients. Yet the majority of professionals and business owners reject this idea, instead pursuing every possible prospect that just might become a client. Why limit yourself, you ask? Well, are you tired of that hamster-wheel yet?

“Market, market, market.” “It is a numbers game.” We have all heard those refrains and yes, they are important to building a successful business. However, we must take them in context and utilize them to build the type of business and client base that allows us to spend 75% of our time doing what we do best.

Clients hire us when they believe we provide a service or solution to their need. If we are not clear on what we do best (see Series on Passions, Strengths and Values), how will clients know that we have a solution for their need? If we are trying to be all things to all people, we become just another voice in a sea of voices vying for a prospect’s business: a hamster running furiously on a hamster-wheel.

First, we must be clear on what we do best. Pull out your Passions, Strengths and Values worksheet with your top 5 for each of these categories (e-mail me if you would like a copy). Remind yourself of the elements that make work and life flow for you.

The next step is to take a close look at your business and see how these elements are reflected in the work you do. You reviewed your calendar a few weeks back (see Overcome Your Biggest Hurdle). Now we are going to go deeper and understand the types of clients you serve best.

Reflect on your client base and answer the following questions:

  1. Who do you enjoy working with?
  2. Who enjoys working with you?

Reflect on marketing campaigns you have had in the past:

  1. What worked?
  2. What didn’t work?
  3. Identify “why” for each above.

For the next few weeks, we will be working with details about your current client base. Prepare a worksheet that ranks your clients by revenue (highest first). Look back at least a year, longer if it makes sense.

If you are interested in moving more quickly and deeply through this process, contact me at 713-705-3815.

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