Come On, Get Happy!

get happy

Mark your calendars.  March 20th is the “International Day of Happiness” as proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly starting in 2012.  Do we need a designated day to be joyful?  Apparently so.

We are blessed and many of us benefit from living in a country with an abundance of resources and the ability to earn more than a living wage.  However, research has shown that above a certain level of income, $75,000, additional gains in income do not contribute significantly to our level of happiness.  If money doesn’t buy happiness, what then determines our level of happiness?

About 50% of our propensity for happiness comes from genetics and our upbringing.  A mere 10% comes from life circumstances such as level of wealth and marital status.  That leaves a significant portion, 40%, under our influence.  What can you do to raise your level of happiness?

  1. Environment plays a key – from the weather to the neatness of your home and office. Timing benefits us in this leap year as the first day of spring falls earlier this year, March 19th.  That brings longer days and more exposure to sunshine, a definite mood-booster.  Since we can’t control the weather, and spring is also known to bring plenty of rain, control what you can and improve your environment.  A rainy spring day is the perfect opportunity to clear your closets and your desk.  You can’t help but have a smile on your face when you come back to your office and are actually able to see the desktop.
  2. Keep smiling – and share it with others. Even if you aren’t feeling the smile today, go ahead and do it.  The muscles in our face that cause us to smile stimulate our brains and central nervous system causing a release of pleasure-enhancing hormones.  Share that smile with people you meet.  Much like yawns, smiles are also contagious.  Try it and see how many smiles you receive in return.
  3. Get outside – and stretch your legs. A walk can do much more for your brain and creative processes than forcing yourself to focus on an issue.  How many ah-ha’s have you gotten when you left the desk to answer the call of nature?  Use that moment of getting up to take a walk outside.  Carry something to make a note on as inspiration is bound to come.  By the way, it is good for the body also!
  4. Show gratitude – say thank you or let someone know how much they mean to you. The International Day of Happiness falls on a Sunday this year.  Take the time to sit down and write a note, yes handwritten, to let that special person know how much they mean to you.  Perhaps it is a teacher or coach from high school, or that crazy aunt who always believed in you.  Not only will you brighten their day, the act of expressing gratitude will lift your spirits as well.
  5. Do something that makes you feel great – read a book, dance, sing.Express your joy and multiply those feelings of happiness.  Remember, it is contagious and others will catch it.  Need help with feel good music.  Try this playlist.

Come on, get happy!

Do you want to make happiness a more permanent fixture in your life?  Keep following the tips above and you will be putting the forces of positive psychology to work in your life.  We are more productive and perform at a higher level when we have a positive mindset.  Learn more from this book “The Happiness Advantage”.

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