Forward Motion


Planning has its advantages but at what point do you stop planning and start executing?  This is a time of year when we pause to take stock of our accomplishments and shortcomings over the past year and are laying the groundwork, the plans, for what we will accomplish in the coming years.  How much forethought and planning is required?  When do you know to move forward?

The turning of the calendar to a new year is a required starting point for many.  The calendar starts over, one year advanced and our efforts toward our chosen endeavor begin again.  If you are in sales, the first business day of the year is the first day of your new sales plan.  You are executing it whether you planned it or not!

Other endeavors have a longer fuse and continue beyond a forced starting or ending point.  These strategic plans have a longer outlook, perhaps three, five or ten years.  Such a long time horizon can lead to three issues that prevent plans from ever moving beyond the drawing board.

3 Issues that Prevent Plans from Moving Forward:

  1. Complacency – long term plans lack a sense of urgency.  The need to execute is not tomorrow and will continue over time.  Delaying the start of planning, and therefore execution, appears harmless.
  2. Overwhelm – how could one possibly plan for such a forward date as 10 years out when planning what to wear or where to eat today seems impossible?
  3. F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) – what if the plans are misguided? Will resources be available?  What will the market look like in 10 years?  What will the world look like?

Do any of these sound familiar?  Don’t figure out how to solve them.  Just move forward by executing the steps below.

Take out a pad and pen, or use OneNote on your laptop or mobile device and start writing what your business looks like in 10 years.

  • What are you doing on a day-to-day basis?
  • Who are your clients?
  • What does your team look like?
  • What are annual revenues?

Given what you have just described what does that mean for this year?  Answer the same questions above.  Feeling inspired?  Do the same for 3 years and 5 years forward.

Is this a full-blown strategic plan?  Could you present it to a bank and win financing?  No.  Can you use this to get off your duff and move forward?  Absolutely!

Know that as you move forward you will refine, define and shape the plan to meet the ever-evolving picture you have in your mind for the business.  The most important part of your plan is forward motion.  Make it happen!

Need someone with strategic and futuristic capabilities for feedback and insight?  These are two of my top strengths and I love strategizing the future! or 713-705-3815.


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