Earn Mindshare Through Branding

Third Article in the Series:
Marketing that Works

The last two messages focused on the importance of knowing your Ideal Client and the value your service brings to them. Okay, great! You know all of this. How do you begin sharing this in the marketplace and more specifically, with Ideal Prospects?

With all the work that you have done thus far, you know what your Ideal Clients need from you and you have the solutions to serve them. You now want to begin to earn “mindshare.” That is, when the conversation turns to the problems you help solve or the solutions you provide, you want your firm to be the one that comes to your Ideal Prospect’s mind. There are two important aspects to earning mindshare: branding and presence.

Branding is the process of creating an image and identity for your firm and your services. Here are the minimum elements your branding efforts should encompass:

  • Logo (if you do not already have one)
  • Tagline
  • Website
  • Brochures
  • Newsletter
  • E-mail signatures

You may need to enlist the help of a marketing firm or the more creative people in your company to package your message and create your brand.

The point is to have a consistent message at every point your client or prospective client touches the firm. This creates the identity, the brand that you want to be known for. Think of other brands you know well and the message they convey. You do not have to be a Fortune 500 company with a marketing budget in the six figures (or more!) to build a brand. Consistency in your message is what matters.

Next week we will look at presence, the other aspect of earning mindshare.

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