Say What You Want

Last week’s message focused on Saying Power.  That is giving your goals deeper meaning and commitment by saying them out loud.  Here’s how it works. One of my goals in 2011 was to spend more time with my family, specifically my mother, my sister and her family.  We are a close family in terms of relationships, yet distant geographically as they live in Indiana. A little background – my sister relocated to Indiana for her …

Season’s Greetings

The holiday season is upon us and I hope you are prepared: prepared for the joy the season brings; prepared to share time with family and friends; prepared for a little down time before we start a new. There are just a few days left before we are completely sucked into the holiday time zone.  I am sending this message early so you have the opportunity to prepare and plan for some time to reflect …

Learning the Language

In the last message I described how my horse instinctually views our relationship as prey (him)/predator (me). Being made aware of our different viewpoints has also led me to learn a different method of communication…one in his language. Far more efficient for me to learn his, don’t you agree? How could learning the language of your co-workers, employees, supervisors or spouse impact your communications? Not much you say? We all speak a common language (let’s …

The Power of Knowledge

You have likely heard the quote “Knowledge is power”, commonly attributed to Sir Francis Bacon. I would like to submit to you an alternative version “Knowledge is only potential power”, from author Napoleon Hill. Why is knowledge not power? Unless something is done with that knowledge (action taken!) it simply fills your head, a book, a library, Wikipedia or some other resource. It does not do anything. It is not that knowledge does not serve …

Pedal Power

How can you increase your confidence? Is there a book or course “How to Increase Confidence in 30 Days?” More than likely there is, yet I challenge you to set your own course for increasing confidence. As a young person, and still to this day, I would love to have the ability to give the gift of confidence to people. Yet that is not possible. I cannot bestow on anyone that level of faith in …

We DO Choose!

In a departure from the usual message from me, I would like to share with you some of the insightful comments that the last blog (Life by Choice) provoked from readers: “Thanks for sharing your experience. Every day life does happen to all of us, sometimes in strange and inconceivable ways. At the moment something unexpected occurs, most of us go straight to panic mode and what plays out is rarely productive or beneficial. Your …

What’s Growing in Your Garden? Part Two

Last week you wrote down an inspiring, motivating, life advancing thought.  Yes, that one! What’s growing in your garden? What has happened with that thought?  Did you do anything with it?  Did it grow?  Did inattention cause it to never take root and thus die? If you did something with your thought, pat yourself on the back, and KEEP GOING! For most of us, the thought lies and will continue to lie dormant, awaiting water, light …

What’s Growing in Your Garden?

What’s growing in your garden? Have you looked lately? This garden is your life. What’s growing in it? Have you tended it lately? Life is flying at us and by us at warp speed, matching the ever increasing speed of our electronic devices. When do any of us have time for a prolonged thought, much less a true reflection on our life. For most, the only unplugged time that remains is the shower. Once they …