Act Two and the Script

script your future

The experience of coaching and mentoring with the professional women’s group reinforced that mindset determines most of how our lives play out.  It was a multitude of case studies that said “you are in control” and what you believe determines what comes your way.

You may not believe that you have the ability to influence your career or professional trajectory.  If you are waiting to be picked you will wait a long time.  Instead, pick yourself and begin to explore what that means.

Do you need to:

  • Earn an additional professional designation?
  • Learn to present to clients or the Board?
  • Develop your professional network?
  • Explore a division within your organization?
  • Embrace an emerging technology?
  • Market your strengths and experience?
  • Discover what drives and inspires you?

Education does not stop with the receipt of the diploma.  That is only the beginning.  Until that point, your growth had been scripted and outlined for you.  Now it is in your hands.  How exciting is that?  How challenging is that?

It is your responsibility and your grand opportunity to begin scripting what lies ahead.  Whether in a large or small organization, as an entrepreneur or contributing performer you get to chart the course.  The responsibility is freeing and scary.  What if I choose wrong?  What if it doesn’t work out?  What if I fall flat on my face?  Wouldn’t it be easier if someone else scripted my next act?  If any of the scary things happened then it wouldn’t be my fault and perhaps it will work out in the end?

Wouldn’t you rather be the one who says “this is mine and I own it” about your future?

Wouldn’t you rather be the one who says “this is mine and I own it” about your future?  To determine the risks to take because they speak to your heart and intuition.  To say that didn’t work out and now I know how to do that differently.

My challenge to you is to own your future; to step up and pick yourself and determine what lies ahead.

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